Explore Standards

Meet globally-recognised standards

Standards help establish consistent specifications and procedures that can be easily understood and adopted.

Covering a wide range of topics, standards enable your business to improve product and service quality, reach new customers and markets, improve performance and enhance growth.

Adopt Standards - Meet globally recognised standards

How to adopt a standard

  • Steps
  • Determine your needs and objectives
  • Purchase your chosen standard
  • Implement the standard
  • Get your business tested, inspected or certified by accredited conformity assessment bodies (CABs)

Define your goals for adopting a standard, then work out which type of standard will help you achieve those goals: be it building your business capabilities, improving productivity or increasing market share.

Check out our latest guide on standards for digital security here.

Once you have identified a relevant standard for your business, ensure that everyone in the organisation is fully supportive of the adoption process.

Then, access the standard at public libraries or purchase it directly from our eShop.

Identify the resources and logistics needed, then follow the standard’s guidelines to improve your business processes and allow you to better collaborate with partners, create innovative products, build trust and stay competitive.

Show your customers, competitors, suppliers and investors that your business is committed to upholding quality. Get your business tested, inspected or certified by a third-party CAB.

Other ways to get involved with standards

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