Global Innovation Alliance Co-Innovation Programmes
The Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) is a network of Singapore and overseas partners in major innovation hubs and key demand markets, with a focus on technology and innovation.
Under GIA, Co-innovation Programmes support Singapore-based companies and their overseas partners to collaborate on R&D projects. The collaboration with the foreign, in-market partners on innovation activities such as joint R&D projects should result in the development of new products or solutions with strong market potential.
With effect from 1 October 2024*, eligible companies can receive up to 50% support by default from the Enterprise Development Grant (Co-Innovation Programme), or EDG (CIP), for qualifying cost items.
*This applies to CIP calls that commenced from 1 October 2024 onwards.
EligibilityCompanies should meet the following criteria:
- Be locally owned (The applicant should have ≥ 30% of its ordinary shares held directly or indirectly by Singaporeans/ Singapore PRs); and
- Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project; and
- The lead applicant should be a business entity that is registered/incorporated and operating in Singapore.
Partner search
Singapore companies who are interested to find foreign collaborators can register on the b2match platform to browse for opportunities, and potentially form project pairs.
Alternatively, you may wish to check IPI’s Innovation Marketplace or get in touch with IPI to scout for collaborators.
Do note that certain Co-Innovation Programmes may have dedicated partner-search tools (e.g. Europe Enterprise Network for Eureka Eurostars calls, or UK-SG b2match for the UK-SG call). Do view the call-specific pages for more resources.
- Identify relevant Co-Innovation Programmes. Register your interest on the respective Programme pages to be notified of next steps. If the call is not open for applications, our Programme teams will notify you of the upcoming programmes.
- Register on the b2match website to find project pairs. Any updates on the opening and closing dates of each call will also be available on this page.
ApplicationWhen you are ready to make an EDG (CIP) application, kindly submit application following the instructions on the respective Programme’s webpage(s) (see Programmes Listing below).
Prepare the following documents/information:- Project proposal information (see template for required details)
- Latest ACRA business profile (retrieved within six months from application date)
- Applicant’s latest and previous two years audited financial statements (Company and Group level), or official management account
- Relevant key quotations (e.g. equipment and software, materials and consumables, professional services)
If you are awarded the grant, your company will receive a Letter of Offer (LOF) indicating the conditions of support and the amount of grant awarded. You are required to acknowledge receipt and accept the LOF within the timeline indicated.
Final claims can be submitted when all project deliverables have been achieved. Please note that claims must reach EnterpriseSG no later than six months from the end of the project qualifying period (refer to the LOF for claims’ due dates). If there are issues, do reach out to your account manager as stated in your LOF.
When submitting final claims, you will need to:- Prepare the following documents required for claims submission (Claims submission checklist)*:
- Project report
- Supporting documents of project deliverables
- Project invoices and salary receipts - Complete and submit your details for Paynow Corporate or GIRO (for companies receiving first grant disbursement from EnterpriseSG) respectively.
- Concurrently, please engage an auditor from EnterpriseSG’s pre-qualified panel of auditors for audit of claims. All supporting claim documents* including the claim form are to be submitted to the appointed auditor.
*To facilitate the processing of claims, the appointed auditor or your account manager may request for additional documents beyond those listed here.
- Prepare the following documents required for claims submission (Claims submission checklist)*:
Programmes listing
Programme | Application Deadline |
Eureka Clusters | Closed |
Eureka Eurostars | 13 March 2025 |
Eureka Globalstars - Japan Call | Closed |
Eureka Network Projects | Ongoing |
Eureka Singapore-Türkiye Bilateral Call | Closed |
Foodtech Project Call on Alternative Proteins | Closed |
Germany-Singapore SME Funding Programme | Closed |
India-Singapore Collaborative Industrial Research & Development Programme | 28 February 2025 |
Singapore-Australia Go Green Co-Innovation Programme | Closed |
Singapore-China (Shenzhen) Joint Innovation Call | Closed |
Singapore–China YRD (Jiangsu) Joint Innovation Call | Closed |
Singapore–China YRD (Shanghai) Joint Innovation Call | Closed |
Singapore–China YRD (Zhejiang) Joint Innovation Call | Closed |
Singapore–France Eureka Joint Innovation Call | Closed |
Singapore–Israel Industrial RD Programme | 31 March 2025 |
Singapore–South Korea Joint R&D Call | Closed |
UK–Singapore Collaborative R&D Call | Closed |
Co-Innovation Programmes