Singapore Standards Council

About the SSC

As the national standards body, Enterprise Singapore oversees the Singapore Standardisation Programme through an industry-led SSC. The SSC collaborates with key stakeholders including industry, professional bodies and government agencies to advise on policies, strategies, initiatives and procedures to develop, promote and review national standards.

The SSC represents Singapore in key international organisations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Aligned with the vision of Quality and Standards (QS) as a key pillar of the future economy, Enterprise Singapore and the SSC work together to:

  • Identify and develop new standards (Singapore Standards, Technical References and Workshop Agreements) as well as review existing standards to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and support social, safety, health and environment initiatives in Singapore
  • Focus on emerging areas identified in initiatives such as the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2025 Plan, and support key government initiatives
  • Support priority areas under the relevant Industry Transformation Maps
  • Build QS competency in business leaders, regulators and workers
  • Deepen international and regional engagement to facilitate market access, position Singapore as a thought leader, and build capacity in key areas of national interest

SSC Members

The SSC comprises representatives from various industries, professional bodies, trade and consumer associations, academia, and government agencies.

View our SSC Members

Standards Committees and Coordinating Committees

The SSC comprises 12 Standards Committees, 4 Coordinating Committees and a Standards Promotion Committee to lead standards development and implementation in various sectors. Under these Standards Committees are various Technical Committees and Working Groups that oversee, draft and review standards.

Standards Committees

  • Biomedical and Health
    Develops and promotes critical standards for the biomedical and healthcare clusters to enable the development of Singapore into a world-class biomedical science hub. Supports priority areas under the relevant Industry Transformation Maps as well as emerging areas identified under the Health and Biomedical Sciences domain in the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2025 Plan.
  • Building and Construction
    Develops and promotes standards in the areas of architectural works, building maintenance and management, building structures and sub-structures, civil and geotechnical works, and construction management. Supports national efforts, including legislation, in the promotion of a safe, high-quality, sustainable and friendly built environment.
  • Chemical
    Develops and promotes standards for the local chemical cluster and chemical-related supporting industries to enable Singapore to retain its position as a world-class chemical hub. Focuses on test methods and performance assessment techniques, as well as best practices in the manufacturing and handling, use and disposal throughout the life cycle of chemicals to safeguard public interest, workers’ health and safety, and the environment.
  • Electrical and Electronic
    Develops and promotes standards in the areas of equipment, systems and installations for the distribution and use of electricity and electrotechnical products, with the strategic intent of providing safe and good quality products and services for Electrical and Electronic related areas. Participates in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as a Singapore National Committee member to influence the international development of electrotechnical standards and related matters, such as conformity assessment to IEC standards.
  • Environment and Resources
    Develops and promotes standards that address climate change, the circular economy, water management, sustainable energy, sustainable finance and clean technologies.
  • Food
    Develops, promotes and facilitates the implementation of standards across the whole food value chain from farm to fork. Supports both national and industry-driven efforts, including legislation, in the promotion of a safe and sustainable food production & consumption environment for domestic and international needs.
  • Information Technology
    Develops info-communication standards in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, e-financial services, green IT, the Internet-of-Things and security & privacy, for the social and economic betterment of Singapore.
  • Manufacturing
    Develops and promotes critical standards to support the growth of the manufacturing and general engineering sectors in Singapore, namely: additive, aerospace, marine & offshore, robotics & automation and smart manufacturing.
  • Safety and Quality
    Develops and promotes standards for products, processes and practices related to personal/workplace safety and health, management systems, processes and capabilities in the areas of business continuity, community resilience, emergency management, protective security, quality management, risk management and compliance, as well as conformity assessment standards to support the testing, inspection and certification industry.
  • Services
    Develops and promotes standards for the hospitality, retail, consumer and MICE & events-related industries. Supports key national initiatives under the relevant Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs), such as Hotels and Retail ITMs, to scale up productivity, innovation, internationalisation and skills in these service sectors.
  • Trade and Connectivity
    Develops and promotes critical standards to support the transformation of Singapore’s industries in the areas of trade, logistics, and transport, and strengthen Singapore’s position as a leading logistics and supply chain management hub offering world-class connectivity to the region and beyond. Oversees the standardisation of trade and logistics sectors and supports key national initiatives including the relevant ITMs.
  • Transportation
    Develops and promotes standards that sustain high reliability and safety, support smart and environmentally-friendly land transportation systems and facilitate the growth of new opportunities in the land transportation ecosystem.

Standards Development Organisations

Enterprise Singapore appoints Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) to develop and promote the adoption of Singapore and International standards. The following SDOs manage their respective Standards Committees and associated Technical Committees and Working Groups:

Duke-NUS Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE)
  • Biomedical and Health Standards Committee

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)
  • Building and Construction Standards Committee
  • Transportation Standards Committee

Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)
  • Food Standards Committee

Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC)
  • Chemical Standards Committee
  • Environment and Resources Standards Committee

Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF)
  • Manufacturing Standards Committee
  • Safety and Quality Standards Committee

Energy Research Institute @ Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • Electrical and Electronic Standards Committee

Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) manages the standardisation work of the Information Technology Standards Committee.

Coordinating Committees

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Coordinates standards development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives across the relevant Standards Committees.

    Coordinates Singapore’s participation in ISO/IEC/ITU technical committees and relevant industry consortia relating to AI.

  • Cybersecurity

    Facilitates cross-sharing of information, and coordinates and drives the development of cybersecurity standards to support various industries, relevant national initiatives, industry transformation maps and emerging technologies.

    Coordinates Singapore’s participation in ISO/IEC/ITU technical committees and relevant industry consortia relating to cybersecurity.

  • Smart Nation

    Coordinates standards development related to Smart Nation initiatives in the relevant Standards Committees.

    Coordinates Singapore’s participation in ISO/IEC/ITU technical committees and relevant industry consortia relating to smart cities.

  • Silver Industry

    Provides strategic direction, coordinates standards development and facilitates cross-sharing of information for the successful ageing of Singapore’s population.

    Coordinates Singapore’s participation in ISO/TC 314 Ageing Societies and monitoring of other related international work.

Standards Promotion Committee

Provides advice and support to the SSC and standards committees on initiatives to enhance standards promotion efforts and increase the adoption of standards.

Learn more about standards

Adopting Standards

Explore Standards

Stay competitive by using standards to build trust with your customers.

Developing standards - 2

Participate in Standards Development

Contribute to industry best practices by shaping new standards with your expertise.

Get tested and certified

Get Tested, Inspected or Certified by a Conformity Assessment Body

Be recognised for your adoption of standards and increase customer and stakeholder confidence.