GIA Suzhou Acceleration Programme

About this programme

Organised by A*STAR Partners' Centre (A*PC), the GIA Suzhou Acceleration Programme runs twice a year, focusing on biotechnology (biotech), medical technology (medtech) and advanced manufacturing sectors. It involves two phases:

Phase 1
Participate in online and hybrid (online and physical) workshops on supporting policies, regulatory framework, and the funding landscape to gain insights on how to do business in China.

Phase 2
Go on an immersive trip to visit prospective strategic partners in China (e.g. research institutes, hospitals, clinical resources, contract research organisations (CROs), contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs), MNCs, and innovation centres).

Phase 3
Network with investors, suppliers and professional service providers

Phase 4 (optional)
Prepare for grant application, roadshow and pitching

About A*STAR Partner Centre

A*STAR Partners’ Centre (A*PC) serves as a launchpad for Singapore companies into China via the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), and focuses on three key technology domains – biomedical technology, machine automation, and nanotechnology.

Key features

  • Open applications
    Applications are conducted on a rolling basis so that companies can join the programme at a timing that best suits their business needs and priorities.
  • users-alt
    Coaching opportunities
    Participants will have individual meetings with Rainmaking for in-depth coaching and customer identification.
  • briefcase
    Curated business meetings
    Companies will each get matched with relevant London corporates and/or investors.


  • Check
    Singapore-based tech startups, particularly those in the biomedical technology, machine automation, and nanotechnology industries.

How to apply

Applications for the GIA Suzhou Acceleration Programme are now closed. Interested applicants can register your interest here to be notified of upcoming programmes in Suzhou.
Still thinking of what programme to participate in?
Submit your interest and EnterpriseSG will reach out to you when an opportunity arises for the relevant Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) programmes.