What is the Listing Corporate Income Tax Rebate for New Corporate Listings in Singapore (“Listing CIT Rebate”)?
The Listing CIT Rebate offers a tax rebate for companies that list on a Singapore exchange. Announced at Budget 2025, it aims to encourage companies to raise public capital and grow their economic activities in Singapore.
The Listing CIT Rebate is time limited and available from 19 February 2025 to 31 December 2027.
How does the Listing CIT Rebate work?
Approved companies and registered business trusts that complete a new listing on a Singapore exchange can enjoy a 20% (for primary listings) or 10% (for secondary listings with new shares issued) tax rebate on Singapore corporate income tax payable for five years from the month of successful listing.
The Listing CIT Rebate is subject to a cap of S$6 million or S$3 million per Year of Assessment for companies and registered business trusts with market capitalisation of at least S$1 billion and less than S$1 billion respectively.
What are the eligibility criteria for the Listing CIT Rebate?
The Listing CIT Rebate is open to all companies and registered business trusts that:
- Are tax resident in Singapore,
- Have completed a primary or secondary (with new shares issued) listing on a Singapore exchange on or after 19 February 2025, and
- Are able to show proof of approval for their application to list
Approved companies and registered business trusts must commit to incremental local business spending or fixed asset investments, and incremental skilled employment by the end of the incentive.
Approved companies and registered business trusts must also remain listed for at least five years. The Listing CIT Rebate will be clawed back in full if the company delists during the period of award.
How can companies apply for the Listing CIT Rebate?
More details will be released by Q2 2025.