What are the eligibility criteria for Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG)?
- Business entity that is registered/incorporated in Singapore;
- Has at least 30% local shareholding;
- Company’s Group Annual Sales Turnover of not more than S$100 million, or Company’s Group Employment Size of not more than 200 workers;
- Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT Solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore
These eligibility criteria must be met until the claims disbursement is successfully processed.
The company must not have:
- Made any payment/deposits to a supplier, vendor or third party in relation to the purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solution or equipment prior to application submission
Can sole proprietors and partnerships apply for the PSG Grant?
Yes, they may apply for the PSG Grant as long as they fulfil the eligibility criteria.
What does a retrospective application mean?
An application is deemed to be retrospective if the company made a payment including initial deposit to the third-party vendor prior to application submission.
Retrospective applications will not be supported.
PSG Equipment & IT Solutions
Where can the company find information on equipment and pre-approved IT solutions?
You may find the full list on GoBusiness Gov Assist.
Can unlisted IT solutions or vendors who are not pre-approved be supported?
No, companies can only be supported on pre-scoped packages by pre-approved vendors. For equipment, there is no pre-approved vendor but the equipment must minimally meet the specifications provided.
What are the supportable costs of adopted equipment/IT solutions?
The PSG supports businesses in the adoption of IT solutions/equipment/consultancy service that improve productivity.
Unless otherwise stated, only the actual purchase/lease/hire cost of the pre-approved equipment or pre-approved IT solution package is supportable. This excludes other related administrative fees/charges, e.g. delivery fees, installation.
For the full list of supportable solutions, please click here.
Can the equipment or IT solution be used for the company’s subsidiary or related party?
No, the equipment or IT solution should only be used by the applicant entity and not by a related party.
How long must the purchased equipment or IT solution be held for?
The holding period for the equipment or IT solution is 1 year from the date of approval of the final claim.
Can customised equipment be supported under PSG?
PSG supports businesses in the adoption of pre-scoped IT solutions and/or equipment that are tried-and-tested, and easy to deploy with no customisation. Pre-scoped equipment refers to equipment that is standard and off-the-shelf, that meets the mandatory specifications requirement.
Can the company deploy the solution to a residential address?
Businesses operating from residential addresses (HDB flats and private properties) can be supported if they meet the PSG eligibility criteria. Companies are to ensure that the selected PSG solution and its intended functions are in line with HDB/URA’s advisory for home business i.e. business must adhere to the conditions of use, and kept within the guidelines on permissible business activities that can be conducted from homes.
For more information on Home Office Scheme guidelines, kindly refer to the relevant schemes at HDB or URA.
Why is the qualified cost for an equipment lower than the cost cap?
The cost cap is meant as a guide based on the mandatory specifications of the equipment. The qualifying cost of the equipment is subject to internal assessment and adjustment, based on the specifications of the equipment adopted by the applicant.
How can companies apply for the PSG?
To apply for the PSG, companies will have to:
- Visit GoBusiness Gov Assist to access the list of supportable solutions and identify relevant solutions that they may want to procure
- Obtain quotations from vendor. IT solutions and vendors have been pre-qualified under the grant
- Company should not have signed any contract or made any payment before submitting the PSG application
- Submit an application on the Business Grants Portal (BGP) at www.businessgrants.gov.sg. Companies will need to have a Corppass account to transact on the BGP
Click here for a step-by-step guide.
How many PSG grants can a company apply for?
Companies can put in more than one PSG application depending on business needs. However, support can only be extended for:
- IT solutions: one package per solution category per deployment location (for selected IT solutions)
- Equipment: single/multiple units of equipment per deployment location, within the same application
Deployment locations are defined based on postal code. To illustrate, different unit numbers with the same postal code will be deemed as the same deployment location.
Please note that the supportability is subject to further assessment on business use and reasonableness. Companies will also not be supported for their PSG application if this is an existing solution/a higher tier of the solution which they are already using.
Can a company submit concurrent applications?
Yes, eligible companies may apply for support as long as it is not for the same scope of work/services/activities supported.
Can I submit a future-dated Tenancy Agreement for my application?
Companies are required to submit their application together a valid tenancy agreement that is current, indicating that they have started operations at the mentioned location. This is to ensure that they are deploying the solution to a location that they are operating from.
Can a company engage a related associate as the third-party vendor?
The Applicant shall ensure that the vendors selected do not have any relationship, connection, associated or dealings with the Applicant or its related companies or their directors and common shareholders. Applicant will be required to declare any relationship with vendors.
What is the annual grant cap for PSG?
Each company supported by EnterpriseSG is subjected to an annual grant cap of S$30,000 for solutions supported by EnterpriseSG, starting on 1 April and ending on 31 March the following year. To tap on the grant cap within the same year, applications should be submitted before 31 March.
What happens when the grant cap is fully utilised?
Companies that have fully utilised their grant caps will not be eligible for further support within the validity period of the grant cap, and may then apply for new solutions at the next period when the grant caps are refreshed. Companies are encouraged to plan the use of the PSG for their purchases.
What is the processing time for applications?
Applications are processed about 6 weeks from the submission of all required information.
Companies are strongly encouraged to submit their applications ahead of time to account for the application outcome and/or processing duration required.
Once an application has been submitted, companies may choose to proceed with the project and purchase the equipment/IT solution before the application outcome. However, you will not be able to claim subsequently if the application is unsuccessful.
What if I made a mistake in my grant application that was discovered after my application is approved? (e.g. uploaded wrong/invalid quotation)
Please terminate the application and resubmit a new one before proceeding with the project and making payment to the vendor. Otherwise, your claims may be rejected subsequently.
Can I change my vendor after the application is approved?
No changes to vendor/solution package are allowed after application is approved. Please terminate the application and resubmit a new one before proceeding with the project and making payment to the new vendor. Otherwise, your claims may be rejected subsequently.
Who should the “Main Contact” and “Alternate Contact” be?
Grant-related email reminders will be sent to the email addresses listed under the “Contact Details” of the “Main Contact” and “Alternate Contact”. Hence, these should be individuals within the claimant entity who will be able to oversee the project from start to finish (e.g. end of qualifying period or holding period as per definition in the Letter of Offer, whichever is later). The phone number(s) of the “Main Contact” should also be valid for the duration of the project.
When can a company commence with the project?
Companies can commence with the project after submitting the application via Business Grants Portal. Project commencement and completion dates must be in accordance with the project qualifying period stipulated in the Business Grants Portal.
My company is exempted from having our accounts audited. What documents should we upload under the BGP’s Company Profile?
You may choose to upload unaudited financial statements or management accounts, if audited statements are unavailable.
If the company is newly registered and a full year’s financial statements are not available, you may provide unaudited financial statements or management accounts for the year-to-date.
Business Grant Portal and Corppass
What is the Business Grants Portal?
Business Grants Portal (BGP) is a one-stop portal for businesses to apply for government grants. This paperless system allows entities to find the grants they need with ease, enjoy a convenient form completion process, and reduce the time spent on applications.
If the company has yet to register for a Corppass Administrator account, please visit www.corppass.gov.sg. After successful registration, users need to be assigned the e-Service access to the BGP in order to submit their grant application.
Where can Applicants check the status of their grant application?
An email will be sent to the company’s contact person with the status of the submitted grant application.
Alternatively, Applicants may log in to the BGP. Under the “My Applications” section, they can view the status of their grant application by toggling between the tabs (Drafts/Processing/Actions Required/ Completed).
Reminder emails will also be sent when the application is returned for further clarifications. Applicants may make the necessary clarifications via BGP. Inactive applications may be withdrawn by EnterpriseSG.
What happens if the personnel handling the company’s grant application leaves the company? Can another staff submit the application on his/her behalf?
Any personnel assigned as a BGP user in the company and given a Preparer or Acceptor role by the company’s Corppass Administrator can edit and submit the grant application. Contact details of the new user should be updated in the BGP.
How can I submit my responses to the clarifications from EnterpriseSG?
To resubmit your application with the required edits and clarifications, please reply through the BGP:
- Log in to BGP
- Select the relevant PSG application under "My applications" section
- Select "Proceed" (under Application Form)
- Edit relevant highlighted sections
- Select "Submit"
- Provide any responses in the Remarks section (after you click "Submit")
What happens when an applicant company applies for the incorrect equipment/IT solution package in the BGP?
If the application is currently reworked to you for updates, you may amend accordingly or withdraw the application and submit a fresh one with the correct information.
To notify EnterpriseSG to withdraw the application if it is being processed, please reach out to us at for an Application Withdrawal and you will be sent further instructions.
Companies will not be able to select IT solution packages of vendors whose contracts have expired.
Can others (e.g. family members, non-employees) apply on behalf of applicants?
We strongly encourage applicants to submit their own applications. Vendors are strictly not allowed to apply on behalf of applicants.
How can applicants change their Corppass roles to accept the Letter of Offer?
The applicant company’s Corppass Admin would need to add in the “MTI – Business Grant Portal (BGP)” digital service:
- Login at www.corppass.gov.sg
- Go to "e-Services" > "Select Entity e-Services"
- Type “bgp” in the search bar to the right (next to "filter")
- Tick the box on the left of “BGP”, then press "Next"
- If there is no checkbox to tick, you may skip ahead to Step vii below.
- Press "Next" and "Submit"
- Press "Return to Homepage"
- After adding BGP for the company, the Admin would then need to assign it to the relevant staff.
- Go to "e-Services" > "Assign selected e-Services"
- Tick the box next to the relevant staff’s name and press "Next".
- Type “bgp” in the search bar to the right (next to "filter")
- Tick the box on the left of “BGP”, then press "Next"
- Select the “Acceptor” role.
- “Authorization Effective Date” can be today
- “Authorization Expiry Date” can be left blank
- Press "Next" and "Submit"
- If you are unsure of who your Admin is, you may use your SingPass to check on the identities of your entity’s Corppass Admins and Sub-Admins
- Go to www.corppass.gov.sg
- Click on "Services" > "Find Your Corppass Admin"
- Login to SingPass
- Enter the company’s UEN
- Press "Search" (the respective admins’ names will be displayed)
For further enquiries regarding Corppass roles, please refer to the Corppass User Guide.
What happens if the CEO/MD who is authorised to accept the Letter of Offer leaves the company? How does the applicant update the BGP and Corppass?
Under the e-Service section of the BGP, the company’s Corppass Administrator should assign an Acceptor role to the new CEO/MD. This will enable the new management personnel to accept a Letter of Offer.
If the grant has not been approved, the Corppass Administrator can update the Letter of Offer addressee in the grant application form.
If the grant has been approved and a Letter of Offer has been issued, no amendment to the addressee can be made. However, the new CEO/MD can still accept the Letter of Offer if he/she has been granted rights to do so. Do also update ACRA and the grant processing agency of the change in management details.
Who should I contact for technical enquiries about the Business Grant Portal?
You may contact the Business Grant Portal helpdesk at +65 6708 7288 or submit an enquiry form at go.gov.sg/bgphelpdesk.
Operating hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Mondays to Fridays).
Who should I contact if I have questions on Corppass Registration?
You may call the Corppass Helpdesk at +65 6643 0577 or email them at support@corppass.gov.sg.
Operating hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Saturdays). Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Change Requests
Can a company change to another vendor or make application revisions?
If you would like to change your IT solution or equipment vendor, you may withdraw the previous application and submit a new one.
Please ensure that you have not made payment to the new vendor prior to submitting the new application.
Please write in to go.gov.sg/askenterprisesg to withdraw or amend your application and you will be sent further instructions.
Claim Due Date Extensions
What is a claim due date?
The claim due date is the last date for PSG claim submissions in the BGP. After the date has lapsed, you will not be able to submit a claim in the system. If you require more time to submit a claim in BGP, please extend the claim due date before the claim due date lapses.
How can I extend the claim due date?
You may submit a one-time claim extension before the due date expires. Please note that only one extension is allowed, after which your grant will automatically expire.
- Login to the BGP
- Navigate to "My Grants" and select the "Applications" tab to view all your applications
- Select the "Completed" tab
- Look for your Ref ID and click on your project title
- Click on the "Extend Due Date" button
- Answer the question in the pop-up screen – “Have you committed to the purchase, lease, or subscription of this solution?”
- If your submission is successful, the claim due date should be automatically extended in BGP
- Please check for the new due date in BGP minimally 2 days after step vii above:
- Navigate to "My Grants" and select the "Claims" tab
- Select “File New Claim”. The “Claim Due date” should be reflected in the right-most column for the relevant Ref ID/Project Title
Please extend the due date early if required, and allow for ample time prior to the expiry date. This is to mitigate any potential delays that may occur when accessing or navigating the system. Once the due date has passed, you will not be able to extend the due date in BGP.
To view the newly extended due date, please check the notification email sent to the email address provided in BGP at the application stage.
What happens if I miss the claim due date?
If you miss the claim due date, you will not be able to submit a claim in BGP as the option for claim submission would have lapsed. Note that multiple reminder emails will be sent to the main contact person before the claim due date expires.
How many claims can a company submit per application, and can claims be disbursed before the project has been completed?
There can only be one claim per approved application.
For claims submission, company needs to ensure:
- Claimant has purchased/subscribed to the solution as approved in the application; and
- Claimant has used the solution; and
- Claimant has paid for the solution in full; and
- Claimant has submitted all claim documentation
Disbursements can only be made after the claims have been approved.
Click here for a step-by-step guide.
How will the PSG grant disbursement take place?
Disbursements will only be made after claims approval. You are encouraged to register for PayNow Corporate with your UEN +3 alphanumeric suffix (if applicable) through your respective banks in three simple steps:
- Contact your bank or log in to your bank’s internet banking or mobile banking app.
- Link your UEN to the bank account. You can add a 3-digit alpha-numeric suffix to your UEN to create multiple PayNow proxies.
- Enter your name to complete the setup.
Once your PayNow Corporate account is set up, submit your details via Business Grant Portal (BGP) claim form. With PayNow Corporate, grant applicants can receive their grants faster, within 14 working days after approval of claims.
Alternatively, you can also receive disbursements via GIRO. For payments via GIRO, kindly submit your bank account details via FormSG here. Do note that disbursement via GIRO may take up to eight weeks after approval of claims.
In the event that no PayNow Corporate or GIRO has been set up, we are unable to disburse the claim.
What is the timeline for PSG claims disbursement?
Following claim approval, disbursement via PayNow Corporate takes approximately 14 working days. However, if GIRO is the preferred mode, it may take up to eight weeks.
How will I be notified of the claims disbursement?
An email confirmation will be sent to the email address stated on the BGP upon completion of the disbursement transaction. Please ensure that the email address stated on the BGP is accurate for timely communication.
Can a company claim for additional expenses which would only be billed by the third-party vendor after the activity is completed?
No. Only expenses incurred for the pre-approved pre-scoped package as per LOF will be supported.
What happens if there is a change in my eligibility criteria at claims stage (e.g. change in 30% local equity)?
The company is required to meet the eligibility criteria to enjoy PSG support. If the company no longer meet the eligibility criteria after application is approved, the project claims will not be supported.
Withdrawal of Grants
You may withdraw your application on the BGP if it is currently reworked to you for updates. To notify EnterpriseSG to withdraw the application if it is being processed, please reach out to us at go.gov.sg/askenterprisesg, and you will be sent further instructions.
Cancellation/Termination of Grants
You may cancel or terminate your application in BGP if you no longer wish to continue with the project:
- Login to the BGP
- Navigate to "My Grants" and select the "Applications" tab to view all your applications
- Select the "Completed" tab
- Look for your Ref ID and click on your project title
- Scroll down to the section “Application Form”, you will see an option to “Terminate Grant” (in red) under the button “Proceed”
- Click on “Terminate Grant” and follow the instructions
Helpdesk Contact
Corppass Issues
Corppass Helpdesk
E support@corppass.gov.sg
T +65 6643 0577The operating hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Saturdays).
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays.
Business Grants Portal IssuesBusiness Grants Portal helpdesk
Enquiry Form: go.gov.sg/bgphelpdesk
T +65 6708 7288The operating hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Mondays to Fridays).